Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sydney Dinner Saturday 5 June

A wonderful evening at Il Tratto Ra Ro on Majors Bay Road in Concord.

“What you think about, you bring about”. You draw to you the essence of whatever you are predominantly thinking about. If you are predominantly thinking about the things that you desire, your life experience reflects those things. In the same way, if you are predominantly thinking about what you do not want, your life experience reflects those things.

Getting clear on what you desire! You will not attract anything to you, if you are not able to provide clear instructions on what it is that you desire. For instance, you would not go to a restaurant and say “I want food!” However, you would go to a restaurant, and select from the menu so you are able to provide specific instructions to the waitress.

If you would like to gain an understanding of these principles, meet with like minded people and have a wonderful evening we would love to meet you.


  1. So true what you think about you bring about the little things as well as the big ones. Great post.


  2. The dinners are a great idea, Carol. A unique way to mastermind. I only wish I lived in Sydney!

  3. Masterminding dinners are such a great way to mix with like-minded people. If you want to be a writer, you mix with other writers....if you want to be successful, you mix with other successful people.

  4. What a great idea to get together and mastermind over dinner. Collaborating for a common purpose allows access to the great universal storehouse of infinite intelligence. Powerful stuff!

  5. I love your analogy with the restaurant,it puts things into perspective when applying the LOA. Enhancing your understanding around others over dinner is a great idea!

  6. What a great idea Carol! LOA dinners with like-minded people. And how true that LOA is always working in our lives to bring us whatever we are giving our attention to. How empowering it is to know that!
